Treating neck pain correctly
Reading time: 5 min.
Neck pain is by no means the diagnosis of an independent disease. Rather, it is the unpleasant side effect of physical or psychological-emotional illnesses. It is not uncommon for head and neck pain to be the result of undetected strain that has arisen in completely different parts of the body. A holistic approach is therefore essential to ensure a lasting improvement in the symptoms that actually trigger the neck tension. You will find exciting methods, tools and approaches for treating neck pain in this article.
From symptom to solution: Why do neck pains occur?
Stress as a cause: Treating and preventing neck pain
What to do if you have neck pain caused by whiplash?
Neck pain due to shoulder injuries – what to do?
Out of balance – this is how quickly neck pain arises in everyday life
3 tools to treat and prevent neck pain
Conclusion: Not all neck tension is the same
From symptom to solution: Why do neck pains occur?
Chronic neck pain, stabbing neck pain, acute neck pain or non-specific neck pain - there are many different types and manifestations of neck pain. But why does neck pain occur in the first place? The causes of neck pain are as varied as their manifestations: from stress or whiplash to shoulder injuries to one-sided everyday activities.
Finding out the individual cause is not always easy. We will look at the different causes and how you can treat or relieve neck pain in detail below.
Stress as a cause: Treating and preventing neck pain
Neck stiffness and pain are often caused by everyday stress . The ever-increasing tasks and demands, both professional and family, can only be met with great stress. Anyone who is constantly exposed to this pressure and does not allow themselves time for relaxation, rest - and therefore also for neck relaxation and neck exercises - will sooner or later have to deal with muscular tension.
However, the person affected only becomes aware of this over-tension when clear symptoms of muscular tension are already noticeable. The "package" that everyone ties up for themselves and carries on their shoulders can become a tormenting burden if it is overloaded. In order to carry this, the shoulders are reflexively pulled upwards . The result can be a painful neck that feels tight and rigid.
In addition, headaches, dizziness and radiating pain in the arms and hands can occur. This is then referred to as shoulder-arm syndrome. However, this usually only happens when the first symptoms, such as muscle tension, have been ignored and daily stress progresses unbalanced. It is also important to know that feelings of all kinds manifest themselves in our muscles.
Suppressed emotions, unpleasant experiences, fears and worries are stored in our muscles and manifest themselves in painful tension, especially in the shoulder and neck area. Heat packs and massages can alleviate the symptoms, but this success will only last for a short time if the triggers are not eliminated.
If pain extends into the arm, trigger point therapy is also effective. Particular attention should be paid to the muscles below the scapula and the supraspinatus muscle .
What to do if you have neck pain caused by whiplash?
Neck tension can also have other causes. The well-known whiplash injury is probably one of the most unpleasant forms of neck tension. In almost all sufferers, this manifests itself in a painful restriction of movement, especially in the rotation of the cervical spine .
The muscles in the neck area react immediately to a rear-end collision and immediately begin protecting the suddenly traumatized part of the body in a sustained and consistent manner. They build up a greatly increased muscle tone around the affected area, which literally forces the cervical spine to become immobile . This condition can last for days or weeks.
In the acute initial phase, intensive physiotherapy treatment of neck pain should be avoided. This is because the resulting muscle tension provides support and protection for the cervical spine. In the later healing phase, symptoms such as a stiff neck or pain in the neck area can be treated and alleviated with heat applications (packs, hot rolls) and massages.
If the affected area is hypersensitive to touch, trust can initially be built up with the patient through foot reflexology . This is because fear of possible pain increases muscle tone and is therefore counterproductive. In some cases, the patient also needs manual therapy to relieve tension in the neck.
Neck pain due to shoulder injuries – what to do?
Injuries to the shoulder can also cause neck tension or even severe neck pain. As a result of the existing pain, an increasing protective posture can be observed, which can lead to imbalances in the entire upper extremity. The resulting inactivity of the shoulder joint further worsens the tension in the neck.
Classic neck exercises are not always helpful. Those affected usually only find a way out of this vicious circle with professional, physiotherapeutic help. In addition to general physiotherapy, ultrasound and massages, trigger point therapy can also be used here with visible success.
Reading tip on artztvitality.com: The best exercises for trigger point massage >
Out of balance – this is how quickly neck pain arises in everyday life
A tense neck often has its origins in one-sided activities . This can arise in everyday work life, but also from a lack of balancing sport in your free time. If neck tension becomes chronic , an experienced physiotherapist should take the time to look for causes far away from the affected area of the body. A leg length discrepancy , a tilted pelvis or abnormalities in the spine can cause tension in the neck.
The entire body is a unit. So much so that, for example, a flat foot or fallen arches can trigger severe migraines or be the cause of constant dizziness. If one muscle group is out of alignment, the rest of the body isn't either. This happens because the muscle groups above adapt to the ones below and vice versa.
A therapist can either offer the patient massages again and again or actually help them on a permanent basis – for example with manual therapy or Dorn therapy . Of course, while treating the original problem at the same time.
3 tools to treat and prevent neck pain
In addition to the usual treatment methods, specially developed tools can help to loosen a stiff neck or prevent neck pain in advance. Patients can also use one or two of the tools independently at home and on the go outside of their physiotherapy appointments.
ARTZT thepro Cranibas – gentle stretching for relaxed neck muscles
Developed in collaboration with the osteopath and physiotherapist Robert Bordás, based on years of practical experience, the ARTZT thepro Cranibas is an effective therapeutic aid for relaxing the neck muscles.
By placing the head on the specially shaped therapy pad, a gentle pressure and pull is applied to the back of the head, similar to the flexion and traction by the physiotherapist's hands. This creates a gentle stretch and relaxes the neck muscles. Painful head joints are relieved and become more mobile. By using it regularly, users can often improve their well-being.
The Cranibas therapy pad offers doctors, physiotherapists and osteopaths an effective addition to their treatment spectrum.
ARTZT vitality Duoball – for back and neck massage
There are many triggers in the neck muscles that can be caused by hardened muscles and stuck fascia. These can in turn cause dizziness, headaches or migraines and are often responsible for pain symptoms that are far away. Precisely because there are many triggers in the neck area, you can treat them optimally with this smaller massage ball.
The combination of two massage balls makes the sustainable fascia ball made of cork ideal for massaging parallel muscle strands. The ARTZT vitality Duoball adapts to the neck muscles. The recess avoids bony protrusions, especially the spinous processes of the spine. This means you can easily massage your back, neck, shoulders, arms and legs.
Tip: Buy ARTZT vitality Duoball made of cork at artztvitality.com >
Blackroll Recovery Pillow – the orthopedic neck pillow
The orthopedic neck support pillow is ideal for stomach, side and back sleepers. The handy relaxation and regeneration tool relieves the strain on your spine and ensures healthy, restful sleep - even outside of your own bed. Recommended by leading sleep experts.
Tip: Buy Blackroll Recovery Pillow at artzt.eu >
Conclusion: Not all neck tension is the same
So what should you do if your neck is tense? What helps against neck pain? Tense neck muscles have more complex causes than is often initially assumed. The reasons for the pain are different and each individual treatment must be tailored to the patient's symptoms in order to ensure lasting success. In particular, non-specific neck pain without an initially identifiable cause should be examined more closely.
Whether it's heat therapy (packs, hot rolls, ultrasound), detoning measures (massages, trigger point therapy), stretching followed by strengthening or foot reflexology - the options for treating neck pain adequately are great. And so are the chances of a speedy improvement!
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