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More efficient fascial therapy with Fazer

ARTZT thepro Fazer consists of five different therapeutic instruments for instrument-supported fascia therapy. Each tool has a unique shape and is made in Switzerland from high-quality, medical-grade stainless steel. The materials used are used in surgery, among other things, and meet the highest requirements.

Each instrument has been designed and forged for specific treatment techniques or body regions in order to achieve the following:

  • More targeted, specific and in-depth treatment options
  • Reduction of fascial tension and adhesions
  • Promotion of blood circulation and stimulation of self-healing processes
  • Long-term reduction in hand strain

The only fascia instrument you need

Fazer was designed in close collaboration with Dr biol. hum. Robert Schleip. Every single instrument is carefully forged and moulded by hand. This ensures unrivalled quality, which we guarantee for life. This makes every Fazer a unique piece that can accompany you for the rest of your life.

Who is Fazer for?

Fazer is aimed specifically at trained users such as physiotherapists, doctors, sports scientists, chiropractors and Rolfers. Fazers are intended exclusively for individual therapy, based on specific indications - adapted to the individual patient. Taking the dosage into account is just as important as observing possible contraindications

You can use Fazer for this:

  • general soft tissue treatment
  • acute or chronic pain treatment
  • Fascial treatment (e.g. fibrosis)
  • Movement restrictions/connective tissue restrictions

    View full details


    Application areas

    Analgesia, fibrolysis, metabolism, rehydration

    Fazer 2
    Analgesia, metabolism, rehydration

    Tone regulation

    Fazer 4
    Tone regulation

    Fazer 5
    Tone regulation

    Swiss made

    Manufactured in Switzerland from stainless steel used in medical technology. Lasts a lifetime.


    Fazer 1: 14.5 x 4.5 x 0.5 cm
    Fazer 2: 25 x 4 x 1 cm
    Fazer 3: 6.5 x 6 x 3 cm
    Fazer 4: 6.5 x 6 x 3 cm
    Fazer 5: 15 x 3 cm

    Care instructions

    Please note that disinfection only causes the killing of bacteria and viruses. Therefore, the skin flakes should be removed by mechanical cleaning before disinfecting (e.g. using a brush). The devices can then be disinfected with alcohol-based disinfectant wipes.

    Scope of delivery

    Each individual Fazer instrument comes with a matching bag that can be fixed in the Fazer instrument roll (sold separately) via Velcro.

    The Fazer set includes the Fazer 1 - 4 including bags, 1 x cleaning cloth and 1 x Fazer instrument roll.

    This is a medical device. You can download the declaration of conformity for medical devices as a PDF for free.

    • Hergestellt in der Schweiz

      Höchste Produktqualität für die besten Ergebnisse


    There are currently 5 different Fazer instruments.

    • Fazer 1 - Dolphin or Whale
    • Fazer 2 - Boomerang
    • Fazer 3 - Fingers
    • Fazer 4 - Thumb
    • Fazer 5

    You can find a detailed overview of all instruments in the Fazer comparison.

    Portrait des Faszienexperten Dr. Robert Schleip | ARTZT thepro

    "I am still amazed at how well and precisely you can perceive and assess the condition of the tissue with the Fazer tools. The instruments fit well in the hand and can be used in a variety of ways for a wide range of fascial dysfunctions. In addition, they allow for use that is gentle on the joints and effortless."

    Dr. biol. hum. Robert Schleip, Dipl. Phych., Director Fascia Research Group

    • "The year 2016 was one of the most important in my sporting career, but also the one with the most injuries. Towards the end of the season I started working with the Fazer, which completely changed my physical situation. Within a very short time I felt better. I highly recommend Fazer in any athlete's recovery programme."

      Ashton Eaton, world record holder in the decathlon and heptathlon

    • "The precise design of the Fazer instruments makes them exceptionally effective in myofascial therapy treatments. I highly recommend them to any therapist in myofascial therapy - from the ordinary patient to the high performance athlete."

      Dr Wilbour Kelsick, BSc(kin), DC, FRCCSS(C), FRCCRS(C) Sports Chiropractor
    • "Fazer meets all the basic requirements for me for instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilisation: high-quality, skin-friendly material, well thought-out design that allows treatment of all body regions and contours, and comfortable handling for the therapist."

      Don Butzner, LMT, Registered massage Therapist
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    Frau wird am rechten Oberarm mit dem ARTZT thepro Fazer 1 behandelt.


    Learn how to use Fazer correctly in the matching e-learning course. Certificate included!



    How do I get the Fazer e-learning?

    • After purchasing a Fazer you will receive an email with a download link.
    • Click on the link and download the PDF.
    • Go to .
    • Fill in all required order details completely.
    • Under SUMMARY, enter the discount code you find on the PDF.
    • Order your Fazer basic course for 0,00 €.

    Can the Fazer devices be used if I have a nickel allergy?

    Yes. The stainless steel used is also used in surgery and is harmless for people allergic to nickel.

    Who is Fazer suitable for?

    Fazer is aimed specifically at trained users such as physiotherapists, doctors, sports scientists, chiropractors and Rolfers.

    Fazer is used exclusively for individual therapy, based on specific indications - adapted to the individual patient. Consideration of the dosage is just as important as observing possible contraindications.

    What can Fazer be used for?

    You can use Fazer for:

    • IASTM
    • General soft tissue treatment
    • Acute or chronic pain treatment
    • Fascia treatment (e.g. fibrosis)
    • Restricted movement
    • Connective tissue restrictions

    The Fazer is used exclusively for individual therapy, based on specific indications and adapted to the individual patient. Consideration of the dosage is just as important as consideration of possible contraindications and the individual anamnesis.
    The treating specialist is responsible for making a patient-specific assessment of the use of the Fazer.

    Publications dealing with “instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation” (IASTM) describe that this form of therapy allows for better and faster treatment success while requiring less effort. Treatment successes in terms of pain relief and functional improvement are described for the following clinical pictures:

    • Tendonitis (tendinitis)
    • Tendonitis in the wrist (tenosynovitis de Quervain)
    • Epicondylitis (medial and lateral)
    • Carpal tunnel syndrome
    • Inflammation of the synovial membrane (adhesive capsulitis)
    • Joint sprains
    • Femoropatellar pain syndrome
    • Runner's Knee
    • Inflammation of the tendon plate of the sole of the foot (plantar fasciitis)
    • Various pain syndromes in the large joints
    • Cervical and lumbar spine syndromes
    • Tensions

    Postoperative scars on skin and ligaments Fibromyalgia In general, instrument-assisted myofascial therapy is seen as an important addition to existing treatment techniques for musculoskeletal complaints

    Can horses also be treated with Fazer?

    Yes. However, unlike humans, animals cannot consciously "join in" the treatment. Since treatment with the Fazer can be painful and animals involuntarily and instinctively avoid the pain, treatment with the Fazer should only be carried out by people who have been specially trained for this.

    What are the contraindications?

    Treatments with Fazer devices are not subject to any specific contraindications resulting from the use of the device. However, the general contraindications of physiotherapy treatments and the “red flags”. If these are present, further, also medical diagnosis. These include, for example:

    • Indications of malignant neoplasms
    • Evidence of involvement of the CNS or vascular system
    • Existing infections or inflammations
    • Severe trauma
    • Bone injuries
    • Skin injuries or diseases
    • Acute injuries with hematomas
    • Taking anticoagulants or blood coagulation disorders (according to Gautschi 2016 from a Quick value <20)

    Safety instructions

    • Not a toy for children!
    • The Fazer instruments are designed for use in therapy and medicine and must not be used for other purposes.
    • Improper use may result in injury.
    • To be used only by qualified personnel and trained users (physiotherapists, chiropractors, doctors, etc.)
    • Use only after medical diagnosis
    • Use only after prior training / instruction:
    • The Fazer Basic Course e-learning training is included when you purchase a Fazer.
    • In addition, participation in a one-day training course is recommended, as well as the book Förster, Jürgen: Instrument-supported myofascial techniques in physiotherapy. Thieme 2018.

    GPSR Information

    General Information

    CE Marking: Yes

    Declaration of Conformity: View Document

    Name: Ludwig Artzt GmbH

    Address: Schiesheck 5, 65599 Dornburg



    European Manufacturer: Yes

    Name: Ludwig Artzt GmbH

    Address: Schiesheck 5, 65599 Dornburg



    Name: Ludwig Artzt GmbH

    Address: Schiesheck 5, 65599 Dornburg



    • P102: Keep out of reach of children.